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How to unsubcribe a timer service call using takeUntil

I am calling a service regularly after a certain interval of time. I get two numbers as result in the service response,I want to compare those numbers and if they are equal I want to end the service calls. How am i supposed to use the takeUntil() method then?

I have tried to use this.ngXUnsubscribe in takeUntil() which is not ending the service calls over a period of time. ngXUnsubscribe is defined as follows :

protected ngXUnsubscribe: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
 const source = timer(1000,60000);
        source.subscribe(()=> {
        .subscribe(response => {

            let xyz = response && response.runScenariosDTO ? response.runScenariosDTO : []; 
            this.progressBarData = => {

                let pBar = response && response.runScenariosDTO ? response.runScenariosDTO.find(barData => barData.scenarioId ? barData.scenarioId === scenario.scenarioId : undefined) : undefined;
                this.showStatusAfterLoad = 1;

                return this.prepareProgressBarData(scenario, pBar);


I want to stop the execution when those two numbers are equal until then I should keep calling the service.

The JSON data that I am getting it is

  "runId": 0,
  "runScenariosDTO": [
      "scenarioId": 0,
      "totalDataset": 0,
      "totalExecuted": 0,
      "totalFailed": 0,
      "totalPassed": 0
  "totalScenarios": 0

So, in the array of runScenariosDTO, I want to add all totalExecuted and totalDataset, and after that I want to comparae them.


  • You should leverage the takeWhile operator (examples).

    timer(1000, 60000).pipe(
      switchMap(() => this._helper.runStatus(id)),
      takeWhile(response => {
        const totals = => ({ 
           dataset: v.totalDataset, 
           executed: v.totalExecuted 
        .reduce((sums, v) => ({ 
           dataset: sums.dataset + v.dataset,
           executed: sums.executed + v.executed 
        }), { dataset: 0, executed: 0 });
        return totals.dataset !== totals.executed;