Inside my code I have the primary keys of some page components in Hybris and I have to find all their attributes (properties like title, content etc.)
I can query the "Props" table using an SQL query, but I'm not sure how to find the equivalent in Flexible Search, since querying the database directly is not recommended.
Is there any other simpler way to retrieve all the properties of a component having just the primary key?
What you can do is retrieve the required component using it's primary key. Example:
select {pk} from {SimpleCMSComponent} where {pk} ='8796093056060'
Usually flexible searches are used in DAO classes(Platform example: DefaultProductDao).
When this flexible search is run by the flexible search service you get a ComponentModel. Please see below a groovy script I just created in order to exemplify how to print the ID of a Component retrieved based on its PK(In the same way by using getters you can get the title, content, etc.. ):
import de.hybris.platform.cms2.model.contents.components.SimpleCMSComponentModel;
def flexibleSearchService = spring.getBean("flexibleSearchService");
SimpleCMSComponentModel simpleCmsComponent ="select {pk} from {SimpleCMSComponent} where {pk} ='8796093056060'").getResult().get(0);
I believe though that the best practice in case of CMS Components is to use their IDs instead of PK.