(basic commands, no fancy stuff)You will have your tables ready to use.
Here's are my models (all the same fields for Line
, Polygon
, Point
and Roads
, just one is enough):
class PlanetOsmLine(models.Model):
class Meta:
db_table = 'planet_osm_line'
managed = False
osm_id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True)
# ...tons of other field (unused)...
way = GeometryField(default=None)
Now, to display it in the admin interface, basic admin.ModelAdmin
does the job and it work, like this for a road:
Let's add the OSMGeoAdmin
interface with this code:
class PlanetOsmAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
my_admin_site.register(PlanetOsmLine, PlanetOsmAdmin)
my_admin_site.register(PlanetOsmPolygon, PlanetOsmAdmin)
my_admin_site.register(PlanetOsmPoint, PlanetOsmAdmin)
my_admin_site.register(PlanetOsmRoads, PlanetOsmAdmin)
You'll get this, which is way nicer:
OSM Admin works with everything except polygons. Here's the basic view:
And when I do my_admin_site.register(PlanetOsmPolygon, PlanetOsmAdmin)
then I get only this, always the same place:
If the polygons are displayed properly without OSMGeoAdmin
, and are not displayed properly with it. There's no error in the console log of Chrome.
What am I missing?
Ok I found the problem. You can override some values in OSMGeoAdmin
, and setting display_wkt
to True
showed me it was empty.
class PlanetOsmAdmin(OSMGeoAdmin):
display_wkt = True
So I did a step-by-step debugging and found out that my value for polygons are:
SRID=3857;POLYGON ((5024019.9 -1441890.9, ..., 5024019.9 -1441890.690534543))
In the source code (/Lib/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/admin/widgets.py
) they ignore the value if it's not of the same expected type (or if it's not GEOMETRY
So I've commented those 3 lines and now it works.
The working solution I've implemented is:
if (value and value.geom_type.upper() != self.geom_type and
self.geom_type != 'GEOMETRY' and
(self.geom_type == 'MULTIPOLYGON' and
'POLYGON' not in value.geom_type.upper())):
value = None