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Validate Email,Phone and PAN number in single Input field in angular 7 form control

so i want to create one input field which will tell the which type it is like mobile or email or PAN no.,so how can we do this in formcontrol

i tried using regex pattern but its not working

<form [formGroup]="validates_input">
    <input matInput placeholder="Enter Email/ PAN / PAN">


  • you can write your own validator. Using a combination of two different regexp values.

    Simple expample for email


    Simple number regexp


    In your component file add this validator function

    // the validator
    export function checkFilterInputValidator(nameRe: RegExp): ValidatorFn {
      return (control:AbstractControl): {[key:string]: any} | null => {
        // if input field is empty return as valid else test
        const ret = (control.value !== '') ? nameRe.test(control.value) : true;
        return !ret ? {'invalidNumber': {value: control.value}} : null;

    In your component add to your control

    inputControl = new FormControl("", 

    And in your template, you have to add a field for showing an error or create a error dependent css class, i.e. a red frame of the input box to show there is an error.

    <form [formGroup]="validates_input">
    <div *ngIf="inputControl .errors && inputControl .errors.invalidNumber">Invalid input</div>
        <input matInput placeholder="Enter Email/ PAN / PAN">

    Take a look at the documentation: Custom validators