I have a azure monitoring alert rule where it will check the heartbeat of my virtual machine for every 5 minutes. But, the virtual machine itself will go offline everyday at 11 PM and will be started again on 9 AM on next day.
so I'm trying to use azure automation to disable/enable my alert rule at the same time. this is the code I've tried to use:
Write-Output "start job"
$vmResourceGroupName = <<resource_group>>
$vmName = <<vm_name>>
# Connection
Write-Output "connect to the VM"
$Conn = Get-AutomationConnection -Name AzureRunAsConnection
$rcConn = Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $Conn.TenantID -ApplicationId $Conn.ApplicationID -CertificateThumbprint $Conn.CertificateThumbprint
# Stop the VM
Write-Output "Stop the VM"
stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vmResourceGroupName -Name $vmName -Force
#first method that I use to disable my alert rules
Get-AzAlertRule -ResourceGroupName $vmResourceGroupName -TargetResourceId <<my_resource_id>> -DisableRule
#second method that I use to disable my alert rules
Disable-AzureRmActivityLogAlert -Name <<my_alert_name>> -ResourceGroupName <<my_resource_group>>
Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception)" -ErrorAction Continue
throw "$($_.Exception)"
Write-Output "end job"
both of the method which I use returning an error that said my alert rules are not found.
answers from Joy and Khrisna helped me solve this problem. there's one thing on my end, because my Log Analytics Workspace was made last year, it didn't support Get-AzScheduledQuery API. to solve this problem you can either: 1. migrating your workspace to new workspace 2. update your workspace settings so it support Get-AzScheduledQuery. you can follow this tutorial to update the settings :
hope it helps!