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express-session entry not completely removed from mongodb

I am using express-session along with connect-mongodb-session packages in a nodeJS app to store sessions in mongodb database.


When I try to delete a session saved in the database using req.session.destroy() function, it removes user-related information from the session entry saved in a database but it doesn't remove the session entry completely from the database.


How can i fix this problem? Why is session entry completely removed from the database?


const expressSession = require('express-session');
const MongoDbStore = require('connect-mongodb-session')(expressSession);

const sessionStore = new MongoDbStore({
    uri: dbConnectionStr,
    collection: 'sessions'

    secret: 'sessionsecret',
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: false,
    store: sessionStore

code where req.session.destroy is called

const logout = (req, res) => {
    try {

         // destroy session saved in db
            req.session.destroy((error) => {
            if (error) {
                throw new Error('something went wrong while logging out')

    } catch (error) {
        res.status(400).send(utils.standardResponse('error', error.message));


  • For anyone else who might encounter this problem, here's the solution

    when setting up express-session, set the unset option to destroy

        secret: process.env.EXPRESS_SESSION_SECRET,
        resave: false,
        saveUninitialized: false,
        store: sessionStore,
        unset: 'destroy'                   <-------- 

    then in your route handler whenever you want to destroy the session entry in session store, just set req.session to null

    const logout = (req, res) => {
        req.session = null;   