I am trying to change an EitherT[Future, A, B]
to EitherT[Future, C, D]
and for this, I am using bimap
to map left and right parts appropriately.
While I am transforming the right part of this EitherT
, I am making a service call which returns me a Future[D]
… I am having trouble converting this Future[D]
to D
in my bimap
. Not sure how to proceed now. Any help here would be appreciated.
Psuedo code:
val myResult: EitherT[Future, C, D] = EitherT[Future, A, B](myService.doStuff())
.bimap({ err => /*deal with errors and give me C*/ }
,{ success => someService.doSomething(success) // This is returing a Future[D]. But I want a D
Try .flatMap
aka for
import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.instances.future._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val myResult: EitherT[Future, C, D] = for {
d <- EitherT.right(someService.doSomething())
res <- EitherT[Future, A, B](myService.doStuff())
.bimap({ err => ??? : C //deal with errors and give me C
}, { success => {
} yield res
Try .biSemiflatMap
val myResult: EitherT[Future, C, D] =
EitherT[Future, A, B](myService.doStuff())
.biSemiflatMap({ err => Future.successful(??? : C)
}, { success => {