I have a Node in SPSS Modeler with SQL code provided below. It's selecting a month and calculating a count for one month. I created a parameter '$P-p_ly_parameter' and assigned a value 201807 to it.
What I want to do is to run a loop through the months from 201807 to 201907.
I use a Python code putting it into Tools, Stream Properties, Execution.
But when I run it won't let me to get the results that I expect. In fact I'm not getting any results.
Obviously, I'm missing something. I suppose the result of the loop is not assigning to the month_id for each month.
Could you please help me with the way to do the loop in the right way? Should I use Select node and include something like this?
-- SQL
count(*) as AB_P1_TOTAL
FROM tab1 cust
JOIN tab2 dcust ON dcust.month_id=cust.month_id and
cust.month_id ='$P-p_ly_parameter'
group by cust.month_id
order by cust.month_id
# Python
import modeler.api
# boilerplate definitions
stream = modeler.script.stream()
taskrunner = modeler.script.session().getTaskRunner()
# variables for starting year
startYear = 2018
# gets us to 2019
yearsToLoop = 1
# get the required node by Id
# double click on node, go to annotations and get ID from bottom right
selectNode = stream.findByID('id5NBVZYS3XT2')
runNode = stream.findByID('id3N3V6JXBQU2')
# loop through our years
for year in range(0, yearsToLoop):
# loop through months
for month in range(1,13):
#month_id = str(startYear + year) + str(month).rjust(2,'0')#ar
p_ly_parameter = str(startYear + year) + str(month).rjust(2,'0')#ar
#print month_id
print p_ly_parameter
# set the condition in the select node
#selectNode.setPropertyValue('condition', 'month_id = ' + month_id)
#selectNode.setPropertyValue("condition", "'month_id = '$P-p_ly_parameter'")
#selectNode.setPropertyValue('mode', 'Include')
# run the stream
I expect the results by month for example 201807 500, 201808 1000 etc. But now I'm getting nothing
The missing piece is to set the value of the stream parameter. The line of code that says:
p_ly_parameter = str(startYear + year) + str(month).rjust(2,'0')
only sets the value of a variable in the Python script itself, but does not change the value of the stream parameter with the same name.
You need to add a line immediately following that, which explicitly sets the value of the stream parameter such as:
stream.setParameterValue("p_ly_parameter", p_ly_parameter)