How would you efficiently implement 64 bit binary addition carrying from left to right? Like flipping the bits then adding:
0101 + 1110 = BitReverse(1010 + 0111)
= BitReverse(10001)
= 10001
My current solution is to reverse the bit order of the inputs using delta swaps (and possibly a byteswap intrinsic), use normal addition, then reverse again, which is not particularly fast, but probably better than looping for 64-bit integers. (I haven't tested it but it would still be too slow.)
uint64_t addreverse(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
return BitReverse(BitReverse(a) + BitReverse(b));
This is quite slow, as the bits need to be reversed three times, requiring over 40 operations when using byteswap.
EDIT: I cannot store them reversed as I require regular addition as well.
Emulating a Kogge-Stone adder, with the shift direction reversed, gives a nice algorithm,
uint64_t p = x ^ y;
uint64_t g = x & y;
g |= p & (g >> 1);
p &= p >> 1;
g |= p & (g >> 2);
p &= p >> 2;
g |= p & (g >> 4);
p &= p >> 4;
g |= p & (g >> 8);
p &= p >> 8;
g |= p & (g >> 16);
p &= p >> 16;
g |= p & (g >> 32);
uint64_t result = x ^ y ^ (g >> 1);