Is it possible to do fo to pdf transform via java.xml.transform without accessing There are, of course, references to this website in the schema, etc. Example:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo="" xmlns:fox="">
Is there a way to move files to a local machine to avoid going to the w3 server? I know this isn't ideal, but the ip accessing w3 is currently getting http403 back so I need a temporary workaround while we address the larger problem. Thanks for any ideas.
The things that look like attributes that start with xmlns
are namespace declarations. Neither your XSLT processor nor your XSL formatter will access the W3C servers because of the namespace declarations.
Namespaces are just a way to disambiguate elements that have the same local name. In your case, the
namespace URI lets the XSLT processor recognise the elements (and some attributes) that are significant for XSLT processing, and the
namespace URI lets the XSL formatter recognise the elements that are defined by the XSL specification.
The URI that is the value of the namespace declaration doesn't need to be a resolvable URL. But for your XSLT and XSL-FO processing to work, they do have to be those URLs that you are using.
I would refer you to the Namespaces in XML specification, but I'm having a similar 403 problem myself. This tutorial from explains namespaces: