I have discovered Instaloader
lib in Python that allows to scrape Instagram profiles. Its very good, but I cant find a way to get list of users who commented or liked post on instagram.
I have looked all over the documentation but I cant find the answer. This is the documentation: https://instaloader.github.io/as-module.html
This is the code that I have:
import instaloader
L = instaloader.Instaloader() #nalazenje stvari sa instagrama
profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, 'jlo') #daj mi pratioce od datog user-a
for post in profile.get_posts():
post_likes = post.get_likes()
post_comments = post.get_comments()
print(post_likes) # post_likes object
print(post_comments) # # post_comments object
# post_likes.name post_likes.username post_likes.user DOES NOT WORK
# post_comments.name post_comments.username post_comments.user DOES NOT WORK
The get_likes()
yields an generator to iterate over the profiles of the accounts that liked a post.
The get_comments()
yields a named tuple with owner
beeing the account of the poster. So a working implementation of your code would look something like this:
import instaloader
L = instaloader.Instaloader() #nalazenje stvari sa instagrama
profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, 'jlo') #daj mi pratioce od datog user-a
for post in profile.get_posts():
post_likes = post.get_likes()
post_comments = post.get_comments()
print(post_likes) # post_likes object
print(post_comments) # # post_comments object
# Iterate over all likes of the post. A Profile instance of each likee is yielded.
for likee in post_likes:
# Iterate over all comments of the post.
# Each comment is represented by a PostComment namedtuple with fields
# text (string), created_at (datetime), id (int), owner (Profile)
# and answers (~typing.Iterator[PostCommentAnswer]) if available.
for comment in post_comments: