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Key design for redis data access

I am interested in building a time series application on redis. My data would arrive sometimes historically so the data would be mutable. I have around a 100 million events currently.

The data access I am considering would need to be flexible so in order of importance

type [sale commission impression] datetype [min hour day] clientid brandid producttypeid productid

I would be asking what type of data so a sale, commission, impression. Then the aggregation type so second, min, hour, day The I have a hierarchy of event data, so by client, brand, product type and each specific product.

Is there a way to build a key like:


and then query on a partial of that key like


Or would I need to build buckets for each

  • sale:hour
  • sale:hour:clientid
  • sale:hour:clientid:brandid
  • sale:hour:clientid:brandid:producttypeid
  • sale:hour:clientid:brandid:producttypeid:productid


  • RedisLabs now offers RedisTimeSeries which has some interesting features. For your use case, we have labels which you can filter by later in order to retrieve data from the relevant Time Series. It also supports several aggregations