I have implemented a mixed effects model for my experiment for how error rate affects reaction time. I now want to calculate prediction intervals and then plot them.
Here is an example of my df
ppid error_rate RT pNum
1 1_1_4 2.865371 0.43339 1
2 1_1_77 11.459301 0.45000 1
3 1_1_80 2.865371 0.38320 1
4 1_2_26 3.820155 0.49990 1
5 1_2_31 2.865371 0.56680 1
6 1_2_32 3.820155 0.58330 1
7 1_2_33 2.865371 0.50000 1
8 1_2_40 3.820155 0.44980 1
9 1_2_43 2.865371 0.56660 1
10 1_2_54 11.459301 0.46670 1
11 1_2_63 2.865371 0.43350 1
12 1_2_64 2.865371 0.46680 1
13 1_2_71 2.865371 0.54990 1
14 1_2_76 2.865371 0.48350 1
15 1_2_85 2.865371 0.53340 1
16 1_2_88 3.820155 0.43340 1
17 1_2_89 3.820155 0.53320 1
18 1_3_0 3.820155 0.45080 1
19 1_3_1 2.865371 0.45022 1
20 1_3_19 2.865371 0.46651 1
I then implement the mixed effects model, generate some prediction intervals for each data point and then combine my original data with the predictions:
fit <- lmer(formula = RT ~ error_rate + (1 + error_rate | pNum), data = data)
pred <- cbind(data, predictInterval(fit, data))
I then plot this using ggplot and get the following plot:
ggplot(pred) +
geom_line(aes(x = error_rate, y = fit)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x = error_rate, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = .2) +
geom_jitter(aes(x = error_rate, y = RT), alpha = .1) +
My plot makes sense to me: I have the black line indicating the predicted values for each error rate, and a shaded area which denotes the intervals. However I'm unsure why I'm getting the straight vertical lines in the middle of each error rate level within my data points? Also my horizontal prediction line seems wonky... does anybody know why this might be, and how to eradicate it? Many thanks!
One way to have a line connecting the error_rate
values without the vertical lines, is to plot mean values of the y
variable fit
. This is done with stat_summary
as below.
ggplot(pred, aes(x = error_rate, y = fit)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "line", show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x = error_rate, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_jitter(aes(x = error_rate, y = RT), alpha = 0.1) +
Note: In the question code, the ribbon is plotted with alpha = 0.2
and the points with alpha = 0.1
. Would it make more sense to have the points less transparent than the underlying prediction band? And therefore to swap the alpha values?