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How to test a Spring REST consumer with JUnit

I'm creating a Java Spring based microservice application that communicates using REST endpoints.

The app itself is so far has a simple structure: UI <-> DBLayer. The UI module is a api consumer and DBLayer is an api provider.

That being said I would like to test if my UI makes the correct REST calls using JUnit and/or Mockito. To be more specific, say I have a service class like this:

public class AuthorityService {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public Authority getAuthority(String authorityName) {
        Authority authority = 
                  "http://localhost:8080/authorities/" + authorityName,
        return authority;

In order to test this service method I would like to somehow verify that exactly this endpoint was called. Is there a way to wrap the service method and somehow assert a rest GET/POST/PUT etc. calls being made?

The desired test class should look something like this:

public class AuthorityServiceTest {
    private AuthorityService authorityService = new AuthorityService();

    public void getAuthorityTest(){


  • You can use Mockito to inject the template, then verify the call.

    @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) // RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) for JUnit 4
    public class AuthorityServiceTest {
        private AuthorityService sut;
        @Mock RestTemplate restTemplate;
        public void getAuthorityTest(){
            // mock rest call
            Authority auth = mock(Authority.class);
            when(restTemplate.getForObject(any(String.class), any(Class.class)).thenReturn(auth);
            Authority result = sut.getAuthority("test");
            // verify mock result was returned
            assertSame(auth, result);
            // verify call to rest template was performed