I have a data-set called Customers where I am running a simple sql query (select * from Customer). Instead of displaying the information from the data-set using a table or matrix , I want to use a textbox instead i.e. the textbox
will return the CustomerID
of each Customer
on separate pages.
I am using the expression below in the texbox:
=First(Fields!CustomerId.Value, "Customers")
where "Customers"
is the data-set containing the sql
Not sure if this can be done?
Alright I got you requierement and here is how I solved it.
I used Table but added some logic to it.
This is how my Table looks right now
Note I just made Border colour of each cell as white, because I assume you need to show like free text or something Below is how output look like.
and so on.
You can use your imagination to make changes as you need.