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How to return values in a textbox on different pages

I have a data-set called Customers where I am running a simple sql query (select * from Customer). Instead of displaying the information from the data-set using a table or matrix , I want to use a textbox instead i.e. the textbox will return the CustomerID of each Customer on separate pages.

I am using the expression below in the texbox:

=First(Fields!CustomerId.Value, "Customers")

where "Customers" is the data-set containing the sql query.

Not sure if this can be done?


  • Alright I got you requierement and here is how I solved it.

    I used Table but added some logic to it.

    1. I grouped row by CustomerID. enter image description here
    2. Then I added Pagre break on Group as below enter image description here
    3. Then I deleted Header row as we do not need in our case
    4. Now I added extra column before Customer ID as you need to show like Label and then it's Text
    5. I named it Customer ID:
    6. same goes for Customer Name:
    7. I added Row Inside group below enter image description here
    8. Now I added Country as Text and in next column Country as value from Table

    This is how my Table looks right now

    enter image description here

    Note I just made Border colour of each cell as white, because I assume you need to show like free text or something Below is how output look like.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here enter image description here

    and so on.

    You can use your imagination to make changes as you need.