I am trying to deploy my angular application to a production environment that has an additional location step in url e.g. www.production-server.com/name-of-my-app appended to it.
My application works just fine when I run it through angular cli on localhost:4200 and redirects through pages like it is supposed to for example from localhost:4200/page1 to localhost:4200/page2.
But when I try to set the base href
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"baseHref" : "/name-of-my-app/",
"outputPath": "dist",
"index": "src/index.html",
and configure my Routes like this:
const routes: Routes = [
{path: '', redirectTo: '/sredstva', pathMatch: 'full'},
{path: 'sredstva', component: OsebnasredstvaComponent, data: {title: extract('Osebna sredstva')}}
* Provides helper methods to create routes.
export class Route {
* Creates routes using the shell component and authentication.
* @param routes The routes to add.
* @return {Route} The new route using shell as the base.
static withShell(routes: Routes): ngRoute {
return {
path: '',
component: ShellComponent,
children: routes,
canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard],
// Reuse ShellComponent instance when navigating between child views
data: { reuse: true }
The application still routs localhost:4200/page1 to page localhost:4200/page2 instead of localhost:4200/name-of-my-app/page1 and localhost:4200/name-of-my-app/page2. Why is that?
EDIT: I would like to add that the base href is showing up correctly when I inspect the page. But it doesn't show up in the URL.
The base href is used only in production. If you still want to see how it behaves before deployment you could try the following:
On the first terminal, run the ng build command in watch mode to compile the application to the dist folder:
ng build --watch --outputPath=outputPath --baseHref=baseHref
On the second terminal, install a web server (such as lite-server), and run it against the output folder. For example:
lite-server --baseDir="dist"
You can read more about it from the official docs here.