When I dispatching my action in my component this updateTour effect should be triggered. but this error appears in my browser console core.js:5847 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'pipe' of null at SwitchMapSubscriber.project (updatetour.effects.ts:87)
causing the error. can someone explain what's wrong here
updataTour$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap((action) => {
const data = action.tourProvider;
const parameters: any = { tourProviderId: '1' };
const queryParams = new HttpParams({
fromObject: parameters
const options = {
params: queryParams,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'a5sfjdksfjksfe2f4af3673ce1a'
const request = new ServiceRequest
(environment.urls.tourProvider, 'POST', formData, options);
return this.requestHandlerService.invoke(request).pipe(
map((updateResponce) => {
const responceData = JSON.stringify(updateResponce)
return TourproviderAction.updateTourproviderSuccess({ responce: responceData });
catchError(err => {
const errorMessage = JSON.stringify(err);
return of(TourproviderAction.updateTourproviderFail({ errorMessage }))
The error means that this line
is returning null and cannot call pipe function. Make sure that you return Observable from invoke method so that you can pipe the reponses.