I tried to clone the events from one NumericUpDown to another on. I found a solution that fits nearly all my needs her:
How to clone Control event handlers at run time?
Surprisingly, the ValueChanged - Event will not be cloned and I have no clue why.
Heres my code
NumericUpDown numericUpDown2 = new NumericUpDown();
FieldInfo eventsField = typeof(Component).GetField("events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var eventHandlerList = eventsField.GetValue(numericUpDown1);
eventsField.SetValue(numericUpDown2, eventHandlerList);
numericUpDown2.Location = new Point(100, 100);
numericUpDown2.Name = "numericUpDown2";
numericUpDown1 contains Events for ValueChanged, KeyDown, Validating, Validated, Enter, Leave and Click. For example:
private void numericUpDown1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Validating " + ((Control)sender).Name);
I write some debug infos to the output Window which shows following for numericUpDown1:
And for numericUpDown2:
Just the same without the value changed event. To make it work I have to add
numericUpDown2.ValueChanged += numericUpDown1_ValueChanged;
But this isn't the solution I'm searching for. I dont understand why the ValueChanged - Event is something special and not copied to. (I know that i only get a reference to the events and when I add/remove an event from one control the other is also affected, but this is exactly what i want)
btw... is numericUpDown the only control with ValueChanged - Event?
Thanks for help!
event of NumericUpDown
uses a different pattern that common events. It stores in onValueChanged
rather than an EventHandlerList
private EventHandler onValueChanged = null;
public event EventHandler ValueChanged {
add {
onValueChanged += value;
remove {
onValueChanged -= value;
It basically means, copying the event EventHandlerList
will not do the tick for you here.
To see how to use event properties in controls, take a look at this document: