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Connect to WIFI from C program

I am using these libraries at the moment to list available networks:

#include <glib.h>
#include <NetworkManager.h>

(which works fine by the way)

Now my question is, how do I connect to a specific network from my C program? I can't seem to find any good documentation or examples for it.

What I did find was this:

But it does not suggest a way to actually connect to the added network. And also, if it matters; this code will be running on a Linux machine without a display so I'm not looking for anything that requires a graphical application.

Any ideas?



  • You can use the following API

    nm_client_activate_connection (NMClient *client,
                                   NMConnection *connection,
                                   NMDevice *device,
                                   const char *specific_object,
                                   NMClientActivateFn callback,
                                   gpointer user_data);

    details of each input parameters are described here