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Autofac register all of type IFoo named IFoo.Name

Just learning Autofac and struggling to rgister a handful of named instances by convention.

public interface IFoo
    string AutoFactName{ get; }
    object DoSomething();

looking at this interface what i am trying to accomplish is something along these lines

            .Named<IFoo>(i => i.AutoFactName);

I have tried a few variations of something to this effect. the end goal is to dynamically register and resolve instances.


  • You should not need instances to register your types in Autofac. If you need information from your type it is better to use meta information like Attribute. Something like that :

    public class Foo1 : IFoo 
    { }

    and then use this metadata while registering

            .Named<IFoo>(t => t.GetCustomAttribute<FooMetadata>().Foo);

    If you rely need to get the named type in your instance you can do it with a IRegistrationSource

    public class NamedFooRegistrationSource : IRegistrationSource
        public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents => false;
        public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(
            Service service,
            Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
            KeyedService keyedService = service as KeyedService;
            if (keyedService == null || keyedService.ServiceKey.GetType() != typeof(String))
                yield break;
            IComponentRegistration registration = RegistrationBuilder
                .ForDelegate(keyedService.ServiceType, (c, p) =>
                    Type foosType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(keyedService.ServiceType);
                    IEnumerable<IFoo> foos = (IEnumerable<IFoo>)c.Resolve(foosType);
                    foos = foos.Where(f => f.AutoFactName == (String)keyedService.ServiceKey).ToArray();
                    if (foos.Count() == 0)
                        throw new Exception($"no Foo available for {keyedService.ServiceKey}");
                    else if (foos.Count() > 1)
                        throw new Exception($"more than 1 Foo available for {keyedService.ServiceKey}");
                        return foos.First();
                .Named((String)keyedService.ServiceKey, keyedService.ServiceType)
            yield return registration;

    and then register your Foo this way :
