I am using the github pages as web pages, I enforced https to make is secure and also configured my DNS on Cloudflare. My webpages are working fine on google chrome but not working on Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. Here is the screenshot with error.
It gives the below error.
SEC7120: [CORS] The origin 'ms-appx-web://microsoft.microsoftedge' failed to allow a cross-origin font resource at 'ms-appx-web:///assets/Fonts/BrowserMDL.ttf#Browser MDL2 Assets'.
CSS3119: No fonts available for @font-face rule
I have tried to enabled/disabled TLS/SSL settings on Cloudflare, even I disabled Always use HTTPS.
Here are the settings on Github. http://prntscr.com/oqf2sf
Github pages with HTTPS should work on all browsers.
I resolved this by setting the appropriate TLS version on Azure webapp and Cloudflare. On Cloudflare, it should be same or lower version.
On Azure set TLS version under TLS/SSL settings
On Cloudflare TLS Version settings