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How do I write an if statement in JSP-JSTL if I need to check whether the user list contains a specific user?

'theGroup' and 'groupCreator' are a model(entity) attributes coming from the controller. 'users' is the array list which is the attribute of theGroup (theGroup.getUsers() basically).

I need to check if the groupCreator exists in theGroup.users list in JSP

I've tried the code below but it didn't work

<c:if test = "${theGroup.users.contains(groupCreator)}">



  • You can use forEach to iterate through values and then compare values in it with groupCreator. Your code will somewhat look like below :

         <c:forEach var="values" items="${theGroup.users}">
            <c:if test="${values == groupCreator}">
                <!--setting true if value match-->
                <c:set var="Matched" value="true" scope="request" />