I am using template docx and tbs template engine to generate document by values from sql. I want to load multiple records from sql dynamically to table I created in template docx which have single block called vm.productname. I want to make rows created dynamically and print for how many records available in sql array.But, failed to load multiple records dynamically.
This is how template.docx look like.
//$tbs = new clsTinyButStrong("##","##");
$tbs = new clsTinyButStrong;
$db_name ="template";
$db_con =new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=template", 'root', '');
$query_get_companyinfo="select * from company where company_name='ABC Sdn Bhd'";
//assume customer_name is adam
$query_get_customerinfo="select * from customer where customer_name='Adam'";
$date = date("Y-m-d");
//get customer_id from $data_get_customer_info
$query_get_products ="select product_name from product where customer_id='".$customer_id."'";
$data_get_products =get_data_from_sql_assoc($query_get_products,$db_con);
$output_file ='output_1'.$date.'.docx';
print "<a href=\"$output_file\">$output_file</a><br>";
function get_data_from_sql_assoc($query,$db)//fetch associative
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $data;
I get this error when I excute the code
TinyButStrong Error in block's definition [vm.product_name...]: at least one tag corresponding to tr is not found. Check opening tags, closing tags and embedding levels.
Thanks in advance.
I change [vm.product_name;block=tr]
to [vm.product_name;block=tbs:row]
in template.
In php code, I change $tbs->MergeBlock('vm.product_name',$data_get_products);
Since I have another variable under vm, that is vm.product_price, I have included product_price records to $data_get_products. Then, I merge block using vm as block name so that both variable will be replaced with respective records. This solved my issue.
Alternatively , ,*
should work for multiple records. But I failed in making it run.
Method MergeBlock() enhancement in v3: from this link
Now you can makes the method to return the full merged data by adding '*' as a block name to merge.
Example : $data = $TBS->MergeBlock('blk,*','SELECT id FROM table_a');