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How to add a cookie to existing cookies in MechanicalSoup

I know MechanicalSoup has a function called set_cookiejar() but it replaces the current cookiejar completely. I want to know how to add new cookies to existing cookies.


  • You can achieve it like this

    import mechanicalsoup
    browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser()"your website")
    cookie_obj = requests.cookies.create_cookie(name='cookie name', value='cookie value', domain='domain name')
    browser.session.cookies.set_cookie(cookie_obj)  # This will add your new cookie to existing cookies

    Another way to do it is

    import mechanicalsoup
    browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser()"your website")
    new_cookie = {
        # "port_specified":False,
        # "domain_specified":False,
        # "domain_initial_dot":False,
        # "path_specified":True,
    browser.session.cookies.set(**new_cookie)   # This will add your new cookie to existing cookies

    Source: How to add a cookie to the cookiejar in python requests library