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Moving through panes in AUI managed frame

My wx.Frame derived class is managed by AuiManager. I have several panes in this frame (all are derived from wx.Panel and all have wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL flag set). Pressing TAB key on the keyboard moves focus inside every pane correctly. The problem is, I don't know how to (or even if it is possible) move focus to the next pane. Any ideas about this?

P.S. I've tried googling and reading through wxPython docs, but couldn't find any clue.


  • I try to be as helpful as I can, given the little information you provided. To shift the focus to another Panel use that Panel's SetFocus() function. (See function description in the link)

    Your question also seems to imply that you are interested in the key bindings of focus events. To manage the key bindings to focus events in wxpython, please checkout wx.NavigationKeyEvent. This will allow you to get and set the directions and events resulting from your navigation key inputs.

    Last, have you tried pressing the [page down] key for switching panes?