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Ionic (Appflow): Please register custom URL scheme - scheme present in plist file

I have an interesting problem I've never come across before. On a new iOs project when trying to use the FirebasePlugin.getVerificationID throws the following error:

'Please register custom URL scheme 'com.googleusercontent.apps.xxxxx' in the app's Info.plist file.'

The example function is:

if (!data.phoneNumber) {

let phoneNumberString = "+44" + data.phoneNumber;

(<any>window).FirebasePlugin.getVerificationID(phoneNumberString, id => {
  this.navCtrl.push('verify', { id: id });
}, error => {
  console.error("SMS error", error);

I compile the app with Ionic Appflow and therefore do not use XCode to manager the project files. To address the above error I placed the following code in 'GoogleService-Info.plist':


However, this still returns the error even though the plistfile is included in the compiling of the app.

I welcome any thoughts anyone may have.


  • I solved this issue. The issue related to the way in which I was calling the plist. Due to how AppleFlow operates, it doesn't include certain values from GoogleServices plist. To address this, I included the following in config.xml which solved it.

        <config-file parent="CFBundleURLTypes" target="*-Info.plist">