I tried for several hours to make a simple ceasar cipher encryption programm. It finally works. But it is only able to encrypt text without spaces and symbols. I have no idea how to implement a checking part for these things into the code. Critics for making the code cleaner and DRY are appreciated. Thx.
The Code where i tried to implement the functionality:
#Taking Input String + converting to list
message = input("Enter the message for encrypting: ")
message_list = list(message)
#Taking Input Cipher
cipher = int(input("Enter shifting value (1-26): "))
alphabet = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"]
#Defining variable
encrypted_message = []
for letter in message_list:
if letter not in alphabet:
#Getting Index of the letter in alphabet
letter_position = alphabet.index(letter)
#Getting the shifting value for the letter
shifting_value = letter_position + cipher
#Getting the shifted letter
shifted_letter = alphabet[shifting_value]
#Adding the corresponding letter to the encrypted message
print("Original Message: " + message)
print("Encrypted Message: " + str(encrypted_message))
print("Cipher: " + str(cipher))
What it should do: Encrypt the Message with spaces and symbols(ceasar cipher),
What it is doing: Exception has occurred: IndexError list index out of range
IndexError list index out of range
error occurs since you forgot the modulus. Without the modulus,
shifting_value = letter_position + cipher
this line will have higher values then the array you are indexing. Remember, Ceasar cipher is
c = p + 3 mod 26
so the line must be
shifting_value = (letter_position + cipher) % 26
Note 1 : cipher is not a good variable name here. It should be shiftAmount.
Note 2: If you want to combine the list into string, use
str1 = ''.join(encrypted_message)