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Online Algorithm approach for alternating subsequence

Consider a sequence A = a1, a2, a3, ... an of integers. A subsequence B of A is a sequence B = b1, b2, .... ,bn which is created from A by removing some elements but by keeping the order. Given an integer sequence A, the goal is to compute an alternating subsequence B, i.e. a sequence b1, ... bn such that for all i in {2, 3, ... , m-1}, if b{i-1} < b{i} then b{i} > b{i+1} and if b{i-1} > b{i} then b{i} < b{i+1}**

Consider an online version of the problem, where the sequence A is given element-by-element and each time, one needs to directly decide whether to include the next element in the subsequence B. Is it possible to achieve a constant competitive ratio (by using a deterministic online algorithm)? Either give an online algorithm which achieves a constant competitive ratio or show that it is not possible to find such an online algorithm.

Assume sequence [9,8,9,8,9,8, .... , 9,8,9,8,2,1,2,9,8,9, ... , 8,9,8,9,8,9]

My Argumentation: The algorithm must decide immediately if it inserts an incoming number into the subsequence. If the algorithm now gets the numbers 1 then 2 then 2 it will eventually decide that they are part of the sequence and thus by a nonlinear factor worse than the optimal solution of n-3.

-> No constant competitive ratio!

Is this a proper argumentation?


  • If I understood what you meant, your argument is correct, but the sequence you gave in the example is wrong. for example the algorithm may choose all the 9's and 8's.
    You can alter your argument slightly to make it more accurate, for example consider the sequence

    3,4,3,4,3,4,......, 1/5,2/6,1/5,2/6,....

    You start the sequence with 3,4,3,4,... etc. until the algorithm picks two numbers. If it never does, it's obviously not competitive (it gets 0/1 out of n)
    If the algorithm picked a 3, then 4, the algorithm must next take a number lower than 4. By continuing with 5,6,5,6,... the algorithm cannot take another number.
    If the algorithm chose to take a 4 then a 3, by a similar resoning we can easily see how continuing with 1,2,1,2,... prevents the algorithm from taking another nubmer.
    Thus, in any case, the algorithm cannot take more than 2 numbers for every n, which, as you stated, isn't a constant competitive ratio.