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Compiling Metal shaders from source on iOS 13 Simulator gives PCH error

I am working on the Cocos2d-x v4 branch which introduces Metal backend support and uses glsl-optimizer to convert GLSL to MSL for compilation at runtime using newLibraryWithSource:options:error:.

This works fine compiling using Xcode 11 beta for an iOS 13 device, however when compiling for iOS 13 Simulator the shader fails to compile with the following error:

Error: PCH file built from a different branch ((metalfe-902.9.49)) than the compiler ((metalfe-902.9.52))

Does anyone have any ideas?

More details: At the time of asking this question I was using Xcode 11 beta 5 on macOS 10.15 beta 5. I have now updated to macOS 10.15 beta 6 and there is no change. I suspect this might be solved by an update to Xcode 11 beta.


  • This issue was solved by using Xcode 11 beta 6.