Search code examples

How to retrieve more than 100 videos?

I am trying to get the uploaded videos of a user but it seems that it is not possible to retrieve more than 1000 videos although more were uploaded. An example would be this user where returns

  "videos_total": 2067

With a query like it still works starting with:

{"page":9,"limit":100,"explicit":false,"has_more":true,"list":[{ <...>

On page 10 it gets interesting because it states that there are no more results to fetch:

{"page":10,"limit":100,"explicit":false,"has_more":false,"list":[{ <...>

On page 11 no results are returned:


How is it possible to retrieve information about the remaining videos?


  • Although not documented, it's possible DailyMotion has a soft search limit of 1000 items (YouTube's soft limit is 500).

    To get all videos, you can loop requests using the created_after and created_before filters going back every month or year at a time (assuming each request is < 1000 items) in order to get them all.