Want to clear my cache once the system memory usage exceeds 70%
I have a task scheduler to start monitoring, a data collection for the performance log with report exported to csv, a custom event view to trigger the clearing, and a bat file to clear the cache.
This is the last piece to my puzzle.
Everything in cmd and powershell to my knowledge has been used
It has a header with three fields, and then 4 cells on information. (A2
, B2
, A3
, B3
powershell -command {Import-Csv -Path 'C:\PerfLogs\Admin\New Data Collector Set\Memory DataCollector01.csv' | Where{ $_.B3 -gt "70.000000000000000"} | start-process $env:userprofile\Desktop\creatvent.bat}\
This is the performance report output in power shell and on notepad:
(PDH-CSV 4.0) (Eastern Daylight Time)(240) \\LT305-MIA\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use Collect memory data usage percentage
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
08/19/2019 12:18:32.480 41.363952528071579
08/19/2019 12:19:32.467 41.291049993897566
"(PDH-CSV 4.0) (Eastern Daylight Time)(240)","\\LT305-MIA\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use","Collect memory data usage percentage"
"08/19/2019 15:38:37.582","47.54470529676059"," "
"08/19/2019 15:39:37.569","47.43784841788883"," "
I'd like to have this code work properly. Right know it runs everytime (no matter the value) i need it to run properly.
Since your file (as you show it) only has three columns with actual data and uses not really friendly headers, I suggest you do it like this:
clause to search for a value in the 2nd column that has a numeric greater than 70if (Get-Content -Path 'C:\PerfLogs\Admin\New Data Collector Set\Memory DataCollector01.csv' |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'Date','MemoryUsage','DataUsage' |
Where-Object { [int]$_.MemoryUsage -gt 70 }) {
# in here, run your .bat file to clear the cache
Start-Process "$env:userprofile\Desktop\creatvent.bat"