I have some method which responsible for getting data from some table by id. This data comes in string format. I need convert them to json.
async def my_async_method():
conn = await asyncpg.connect(**db_conf)
row = await conn.fetchrow(
'SELECT database.schema.table.some_table '
'FROM database.schema.some_table'
'WHERE database.schema.some_table.id = $1')
import_transaction = json.loads(row[0])
await conn.close()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
What is the right way to converts data from string to json, in case of usage asyncpg? I Will be grateful for the help.
You cannot simply parse a random string into JSON format, unfortunately.
JSON is a syntax, learn up on it here https://www.json.org/
You are most likely going to want to build the json string yourself from the table column names and values of row[0]
Good luck!