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How to read files in multiple folders under Shared Google Drive?

Is it possible to get files inside Google Shared Drive? PyDrive is able to iterate over files in MyDrive but not Shared Drive. The files are inside multiple folders:

Department -> PDF -> MONTH YEAR -> DATE -> DAILY REPORT.pdf

Codes tried but both returned "To look folder level":

# #Make GoogleDrive instance with Authenticated GoogleAuth instance
# drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)
f = drive.ListFile({"q": "mimeType='application/' and trashed=false}).GetList()

for folder in f:
    print(folder['title'], folder['id'])

To look file level:

# # Auto-iterate through all files that matches this query
# file_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'{}' in parents and trashed=false".format(folder_id)}).GetList()
# # print(file_list)
# for file1 in file_list:
#   print('title: %s, id: %s' % (file1['title'], file1['id']))


  • Found a similar case. It works now using the codes:

    # file_list =  drive.ListFile({'q':"'<Team_Drive_Id_Or_Folder_Id>' in parents and trashed=false", 'corpora': 'teamDrive', 'teamDriveId': '<Team_Drive_Id>', 'includeTeamDriveItems': True, 'supportsTeamDrives': True}).GetList()

    How can I access a Team Drive instead of personal Google Drive using PyDrive?