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Is there a way to have rotation metadata in a GeoTIFF file?

I'm new to GIS. I need to print a georeferenced image into my geoserver. I already have the stack configured to print GeoTIFF images into the geoserver and it works.

Although, I would like to print the GeoTIFF with a configured rotation. Is there a way to store a rotation into GeoTIFF tags and use it with geoserver ? In other words, I don't want to change the raster but only the way to print it.

Thank you for your help


  • This might depend on your CRS but you can try to use QGIS or GDAL to transform the geotiff and add the rotation there OR perhaps more easy: create a new .tfw file and add the rotation there.

    There is a related question which it tries to implement what I'm saying: