I'm new to GIS. I need to print a georeferenced image into my geoserver. I already have the stack configured to print GeoTIFF images into the geoserver and it works.
Although, I would like to print the GeoTIFF with a configured rotation. Is there a way to store a rotation into GeoTIFF tags and use it with geoserver ? In other words, I don't want to change the raster but only the way to print it.
Thank you for your help
This might depend on your CRS but you can try to use QGIS or GDAL to transform the geotiff and add the rotation there OR perhaps more easy: create a new .tfw file and add the rotation there.
There is a related question which it tries to implement what I'm saying: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/131465/gdal-rotate-dem