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Make an object snap to another ojbect, then follow its path with pure ActionScript?

I am still trying to come to grips with how make an object snap to another ojbect, then follow its path with pure ActionScript (snap an arrow oject to a circle, then the circle follows the direct of the arrow when play button in hit).

Can somebody please help me with an small example so I can get my head round it, any help will be much appreciated. I am trying to create an application aimed towards something like this

I have got my drawing line working but do now know how to make the object follow the line, here is how I have drawn my line on the stage. Please could you give me a clue of how to do this.

   function startPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void

    pencilDraw = new Shape(); 
    board.addChild(pencilDraw);, mouseY);;
   board.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool); 

 function drawPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void
 {, mouseY); /

 function stopPencilTool(e:MouseEvent):void
 board.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilTool); 


  • 1st

    If you mean by "following its path", that the object follows another object, then simply do

    obj2.x = obj1.x;
    obj2.y = obj1.y;

    to follow the exact coordinates. If you want to make some distance between them, then

    obj2.x = obj1.x + dx;
    obj2.y = obj1.y + dy;

    choose dx and dy according to your wish.


    If you want to make an app, where you can "draw an arrow" or "draw a path" and then an object should follow it, then you can try to store the coordinates of the mouse, while "drawing the arrow", then snap the object you want to these coordinates.

    var coordinates:Array = [];
    stage.addEventListener("mouseDown", md);
    function md(evt:*):void
        //empty the coordinates
        coordinates = [];
        //add listener when mouse is released
        stage.addEventListener("mouseUp", mu);
        //add a listener for enterframe to record the mouse's motion
        addEventListener("enterFrame", recordMouse);
    function mu(evt:*):void
        stage.removeEventListener("mouseUp", mu);
        removeEventListener("enterFrame", recordMouse);
        //snap the object to the drawn line and play it
        addEventListener("enterFrame", playRecording);
    function recordMouse(evt:*):void
        coordinates.push(new Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY));
    function playRecording(evt:*):void
        //snap object to the recorded coordinates
        myObject.x = coordinates[0].x;
        myObject.y = coordinates[0].y;
        //delete first element of array
        coordinates.splice(0, 1);
        //stop playing if there are no more points
        if(coordinates.length == 0) removeEventListener("enterFrame", playRecording);

    Place a movieclip on the stage and name it myObject. Then add the code and compile the swf.

    Also, while "recoring" the coordinates, you can also draw some lines.

    Change md function to this:

    function md(evt:*):void
        //empty the coordinates
        coordinates = [];
        //add listener when mouse is released
        stage.addEventListener("mouseUp", mu);
        //add a listener for enterframe to record the mouse's motion
        addEventListener("enterFrame", recordMouse);
        //clear graphics, and initialize line
        with(graphics) clear(), lineStyle(1, 0xff0000), moveTo(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);

    and recordmouse to this.

    function recordMouse(evt:*):void
        coordinates.push(new Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY));
        //draw the line
        with(graphics) lineTo(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);


    If you want to follow a pre-drawn line, then you have several options depending on your task. But everything depends on, how you exactly want to "snap" your object.