I have a controller returning all cars in my database. It is achieved by putting the car list into Resources(see the code). I want to be able to rename the list's name from 'carDTOList' to 'carList". How to do that?
public class CarDTO {
private String id;
private UserDTO owner;
private String brand;
private String model;
private String color;
private String plate;
private String additionals;
public ResponseEntity<?> getAllCars() {
List<Resource<CarDTO>> cars = StreamSupport.stream(repository.findAll().spliterator(), false)
.map(car -> assembler.toResource(modelMapper.map(car, CarDTO.class)))
Resources<Resource<CarDTO>> carsResource = new Resources<Resource<CarDTO>>(cars, ControllerLinkBuilder
return ResponseEntity.ok(carsResource);
{ "_embedded": { "carDTOList": [ { "id": "5d5bc8144a8fb83fd42120e1", "owner": { "id": "5d5bc8144a8fb83fd42120de",
As you see in the response it is set to 'carDTOList'
You can use Spring annotation:
@org.springframework.hateoas.core.Relation(value = "resource", collectionRelation = "resources")
to annotate your DTO
class. So now when you return one element it will be called resource
. If you return list it will be called resources