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How to update numericInput from two different sources in R?

I'm trying to build an easy Shiny Application where I can take up the current heating curve from a heating system in a building and visualize it in a plot. This happens manually with 4 numericInput Fields (2 values for x-coordinates and 2 values for y-coordinates).

With aditionally two different questions (in this Case handled with radioButtons) I should get a suggestion for a new, current heating curve, where I can conduct some changes on my heating system. The new values (which are calculated from the first numericInputs and the radioButtons) should be displayed in 4 addition numericInput Fields (This is already working with updateNumericInput() and observeEvent()).

Furthermore, when the first suggestion is displayed after i put the information (radioButtons), I want to be able to adjust the new curve with the 4 numericinputs in the second part. This is my current challenge where I'm struggeling with. These Fields are blocked after I defined my Information (radioButtons).

Below I've listed my Code.

Thanks for help!

I've also tried to work with a matrix to calculate each different option in advance and only draw the Line (segment(...)) with reference to the correct matrix row. Also I've tried to work without the observeEvent function to overwrite the numericInput Variable but didn't work either.


jsCode <- 'shinyjs.winprint = function(){

ui <- fluidPage(

    #Application title
    titlePanel(title = "Heatingcurve"),

      #User Input            
      sidebarPanel(width = 3,
                   #user Data
                   textInput("ProjName", "project name"),
                   textInput("ProjNr", "Project nr."),
                   dateInput("date", "date", value = NULL),
                   textInput("heating group", "heatinggroup"),
                   textInput("autor", "autor"),

                   #horizontal line
                   tags$hr(style="border-color: darkgrey;"), 

                   #Include numeric Input field (current numbers)
                   h3(tags$b("Heating numbers observed")),  
                   tags$div(h4("OT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("x11", "x11", value = -10),
                            numericInput("x21", "x21", value = 25), style="display:inline-block"),
                   tags$div(h4("FT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("y11", "y11", value = 65),
                            numericInput("y21", "y21", value = 45), style="display:inline-block"),

                   #horizontal line
                   tags$hr(style="border-color: darkgrey;"), 

                   #Include numeric Input field (calculated numbrs, adjustable numbers)
                   h3(tags$b("new adjusted heating numbers (calculated or adjusted)"),
                   tags$div(h4("OT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("x12", "x12", value = 0),
                            numericInput("x22", "x22", value = 0), style="display:inline-block"),
                   tags$div(h4("FT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("y12", "y12", value = 0),
                            numericInput("y22", "y22", value = 0), style="display:inline-block")                                      



                     "What is the feeling of comfort in the reference room like in warm weather?", 
                     choices = c("too cold"= 1, "good" = 2, "too hot" = 3),
                     selected = 0, inline = TRUE),

                     "What is the feeling of comfort in the reference room like in cold weather?", 
                     choices = c("too cold"= 1, "good" = 2, "too hot" = 3),
                     selected = 0, inline = TRUE),


        textAreaInput("notes", "Notes", width = "1200px", height = "300px"), 

        #Print Button 
        extendShinyjs(text = jsCode),
        actionButton("print", "Print",
                     style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4") 

server <- function(input, output, session) {

      #update numericinput (Part2)
      upDateFunction <- function(x0, x1, y0, y1) {

        observeEvent(input$x12, {
          updateNumericInput(session, "x12", value = x0)

        observeEvent(input$x22, {
          updateNumericInput(session, "x22", value = x1)

        observeEvent(input$y12, {
          updateNumericInput(session, "y12", value = y0)

        observeEvent(input$y22, {
          updateNumericInput(session, "y22", value = y1)

        segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = "red", lwd = 3)

      #create plot 
      output$plot1 <- renderPlot({

        plot(1, type="n",xlab = "Outsidetemperature [\u00B0C]", ylab="Flowtemperature [\u00B0C]", 
             xlim=c(-15, 30), ylim=c(15, 80), panel.first = grid(col = "gray", lwd = 1.5))

        #create black solid line (for design)
        segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 17, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)

        #create black solid line (for design)
        segments(x0 = -40, y0 = 20, x1 = 50, y1 = 20, col = "black", lwd = 1)

        #create blue heating curve
        segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "blue", lwd = 3)

        #conditions (radioButtons)
        if (length(input$radio1) == 0 & length(input$radio2) == 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)

        else if (length(input$radio1) != 0 & length(input$radio2) == 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)

        else if (length(input$radio1) == 0 & length(input$radio2) != 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)

        else if (input$radio1 == 0 & input$radio2 == 0) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 + 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 + 3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x12, y0 = input$y12, x1 = input$x22, y1 = input$y22)

        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 + 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 + 3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 + 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 + 3)
          #upDateFunction(x0 = input$x12, y0 = input$y12, x1 = input$x22, y1 = input$y22)

        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21* 5/4, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * 5/4)

        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (0.9), x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 / 0.9, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (0.9), x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 / 0.9)

        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 5/4, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 5/4, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21)

        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21)

        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 4/5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 4/5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21)

        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (2/1)/1.5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * (1/2/1), col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (2/1)/1.5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * (1/2/1))

        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 , x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * 2/3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 , x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * 2/3)

        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          #segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 - 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 - 3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
          upDateFunction(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 - 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 - 3)

        legend("topright", legend=c("Heating numbers observed", "new adjusted heating numbers (calculated or adjusted)"), col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1:1, cex = 1)                    

shinyApp(ui, server)


  • library(shiny)
    jsCode <- 'shinyjs.winprint = function(){
    ui <- fluidPage(
      #Application title
      titlePanel(title = "Heatingcurve"),
        #User Input            
        sidebarPanel(width = 3,
                     #user Data
                     textInput("ProjName", "project name"),
                     textInput("ProjNr", "Project nr."),
                     dateInput("date", "date", value = NULL),
                     textInput("heating group", "heatinggroup"),
                     textInput("autor", "autor"),
                     #horizontal line
                     tags$hr(style="border-color: darkgrey;"), 
                     #Include numeric Input field (current numbers)
                     h3(tags$b("Heating numbers observed")),  
                     tags$div(h4("OT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("x11", "x11", value = -10),
                              numericInput("x21", "x21", value = 25), style="display:inline-block"),
                     tags$div(h4("FT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("y11", "y11", value = 65),
                              numericInput("y21", "y21", value = 45), style="display:inline-block"),
                     #horizontal line
                     tags$hr(style="border-color: darkgrey;"), 
                     #Include numeric Input field (calculated numbrs, adjustable numbers)
                     h3(tags$b("new adjusted heating numbers (calculated or adjusted)"),
                        tags$div(h4("OT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("x12", "x12", value = 0),
                                 numericInput("x22", "x22", value = 0), style="display:inline-block"),
                        tags$div(h4("FT [\u00B0C]", align = "center"), numericInput("y12", "y12", value = 0),
                                 numericInput("y22", "y22", value = 0), style="display:inline-block")                                      
                       "What is the feeling of comfort in the reference room like in warm weather?", 
                       choices = c("adjust manually" = 0, "too cold"= 1, "good" = 2, "too hot" = 3),
                       selected = 0, inline = TRUE),
                       "What is the feeling of comfort in the reference room like in cold weather?", 
                       choices = c("adjust manually" = 0, "too cold"= 1, "good" = 2, "too hot" = 3),
                       selected = 0, inline = TRUE),
          textAreaInput("notes", "Notes", width = "1200px", height = "300px"), 
          #Print Button 
          extendShinyjs(text = jsCode),
          actionButton("print", "Print",
                       style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4") 
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      #update numericinput (Part2)
      reac1 <- reactiveValues()
      reac2 <- reactiveValues()
      reac3 <- reactiveValues()
      reac4 <- reactiveValues()
        reac1$numeric <- input$x11
        updateNumericInput(session, "x12", value = reac1$numeric)
      observeEvent(input$x21, {
        reac2$numeric <- input$x21
        updateNumericInput(session, "x22", value = reac2$numeric)
      observeEvent(input$y11, {
        reac3$numeric <- input$y11
        updateNumericInput(session, "y12", value = reac3$numeric)
      observeEvent(input$y21, {
        reac4$numeric <- input$y21
        updateNumericInput(session, "y22", value = reac4$numeric)
      #create plot 
      output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
        plot(1, type="n",xlab = "Outsidetemperature [\u00B0C]", ylab="Flowtemperature [\u00B0C]", 
             xlim=c(-15, 30), ylim=c(15, 80), panel.first = grid(col = "gray", lwd = 1.5))
        #create black solid line (for design)
        segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 17, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)
        #create black solid line (for design)
        segments(x0 = -40, y0 = 20, x1 = 50, y1 = 20, col = "black", lwd = 1)
        #create blue heating curve
        segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
        #conditions (radioButtons)
        if (length(input$radio1) == 0 & length(input$radio2) == 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)
        else if (length(input$radio1) != 0 & length(input$radio2) == 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)
        else if (length(input$radio1) == 0 & length(input$radio2) != 0) {
          segments(x0 = 0, y0 = 20, x1 = 0, y1 = 90, col = "black", lwd = 1)
        else if (input$radio1 == 0 & input$radio2 == 0) {
          segments(x0 = input$x12, y0 = input$y12, x1 = input$x22, y1 = input$y22, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 + 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 + 3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21* 5/4, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 1 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (0.9), x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 / 0.9, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 5/4, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 2 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * 4/5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 1) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 * (2/1)/1.5, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * (1/2/1), col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 2) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 , x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 * 2/3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        else if (input$radio1 == 3 & input$radio2 == 3) {
          segments(x0 = input$x11, y0 = input$y11 - 3, x1 = input$x21, y1 = input$y21 - 3, col = "red", lwd = 3)
        legend("topright", legend=c("Heating numbers observed", "new adjusted heating numbers (calculated or adjusted)"), col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1:1, cex = 1)                    
    shinyApp(ui, server)