I'm trying to create a trigger in zabbix which will show me a problem and alert me on my email whenever an interface in a cisco switch (with snmpv2) crosses 80% of it's bandwidth (100 mbps or 1000 mbps) without hardcoding anything, I tried using this trigger expression:
{/switch name:net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets./switch interface].min(10)}>80000000
I would like to know how can I write this trigger expression which works fine without applying it to every single interface item in every switch. I think that maybe macros could help in these situations but found no explanation or any guide about how to use them or how to use low level discovery which maybe have a part at the solution for my need. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your replies, I actually checked again the Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2 and saw that there is a prototype trigger that solves my question.
for anyone who wants to do the same with a switch:
Add to your switch (host) the "Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2" template.
Change the IF_UTIL_MAX macro to whatever value you want it to be, the default is 90 (this is the macro which is responsible for the percentage of the bandwidth which will trigger a problem, for example, if you change it to 60, when a host bandwidth utilization averages more than 60% in any interface for 15 minutes, a problem will be added to the problems tab or to the dashboard).
If the time of 15 minutes isn't right for you, you can change it by going to: configuration -> templates -> Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2 -> Discovery rules -> Network Interfaces Discovery -> Trigger prototypes -> search for a trigger name which contains high bandwidth usage -> in the problem expression and the recovery expression find the .avg() function and change the value inside it to whatever value is right for you, for an example: 15m = 15 minutes, 1s = 1 second etc...
I actually recommend to clone the trigger prototype, change it and then disable the built in one instead of just changing the time inside it for easily debugging errors in the long run. So you can change the name of the trigger prototype and then clone it by pressing clone in the bottom left corner of the screen, then change it's name and settings for whatever suits you the best.
You can also go ahead and try the other answers on this thread, I'm seriously thankful for them but I don't have enough time to check if those work since I already figured it out after reading Simone Zabberoni's and helllordkb's answers and checking the built in low level discovery in the "Template Module Interfaces SNMPv2" template.