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How to access const string from ViewModel in XAML x:Array

I am using a converter for which I want to pass in 2 converter parameters. I have static strings in Converter, but I am not able to access it.

Problem Statement:

Want to access public static string STAR = "STAR"; in XAML x:Array.


    <local:CustomGridLengthConverter x:Key="CustomGridLengthConverter"/>

        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
                <Binding Path="CustomLength" Converter="{StaticResource CustomGridLengthConverter}">
                        <x:Array Type="{x:Type system:String}">
                            <!--<local:CustomGridLengthConverter.STAR/>--> *NOT* Working

Converter Code:

public class CustomGridLengthConverter : IValueConverter
        public static string ABSOLUTE = "ABSOLUTE";
        public static string AUTO= "AUTO";
        public static string STAR = "STAR";

        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
           double tempGridLengthVal = 0.0;

           //do necessary null/datatype check
           string[] params=parameter as string[];

           // use default value when 'value' is null
           string defaultValue=params[0];

           //use this value to specify if user wants absolute value or relative value.
           string convertTo=params[1];

           if (value.IsNotNull() && Double.TryParse(value.ToString(), out 
            //If given value is parsable, create new GridLength with this value
            gridLength = new GridLength(tempGridLengthVal);

            //User can specify if they want to use the given value as exact 
             value or as a star percentage
            if (convertTo.Equals(STAR))
                gridLength = new GridLength(tempGridLengthVal,GridUnitType.Star);

EDIT: This is a different use case than "another question" as in that question value is assigned to a dependency object, whereas I do not have a dependency object, I just want to pass in a static string value to an array.




  • You could use the x:Static markup extension:

        <x:Array Type="{x:Type system:String}">
            <x:Static Member="local:CustomGridLengthConverter.STAR" />