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I have installed the "install-dbatools" powershell script, but there is no copy-sqllogin or export-sqllogin function

I have installed the "install-dbatools.ps1" powershell module and it installs successfully, however the functions i am looking for are not there, these functions are "Copy-SQLLogin and "Export-SQLLogin" as per the below

I have also run the invoke command below Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest

have these commands been deprecated? as i am trying to migrate SQL Logins, roles, permission etc etc to a different server, or how can i achieve this in the best possible way.

SP_HelpRevLogin only does half of this. Thanks for any assistance

I have downloaded and installed dbatools as per:

I have also run the invoke command below as per:

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest

i expect the commands Copy-SQLLogin and Export-SQLLogin to be available in order to migrate SQL Logins, roles, permission etc etc to a different server, or how can i achieve this in the best possible way.


  • The *-SqlLogin tools got renamed some time ago. Try:

    Get-Command | ? { $_.Name -like '*-DbaLogin' }
    CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
    -----------     ----                                               -------    ------
    Function        Copy-DbaLogin                                      1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        Export-DbaLogin                                    1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        Get-DbaLogin                                       1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        New-DbaLogin                                       1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        Remove-DbaLogin                                    1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        Rename-DbaLogin                                    1.0.34     dbatools
    Function        Set-DbaLogin                                       1.0.34     dbatools