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How to get the values in items without refreshing the page in apex

I have an item to enter email id, and two more items to get the values of first/last name and department of that user which we have given without refresh the page or without enter.

Item 1: ex : (text field)
Item 2 : ex Mechanical (display only)
Item 3 : ex Abinnaya Moorthy (display only)

This should happen when we have given the email id and as soon as the cursor is out from email id the two item values should display.

I have used dynamic action but not getting exact output, please let me know.


  • Let's say I have 1 field like an email field above. Then I have 50 display only fields that values are coming from (Source) SQL queries that depends on email field. How to refresh this fields without refreshing page, but also without Setting its value manually? I would only like to trigger them to perform their Source SQL query and refresh values on the page.

    Setting their values by SetValue action will result in having same queries in Dynamic Action and in Source SQL Query for each field. Also for 50 fields DA would have hundreds of SQL lines and would become not maintainable.