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OG:IMAGE meta property of Facebook URL giving Bad URL timestamp

I am making api to generate link previews when sharing from app. I first try to get og:image meta property then try for img tags.

Please suggest any solution to get a preview image from facebook URL

  1. Open link of facebook url in incognito tab (og:image doesn't appear if logged in) e.g
  1. View Source of Page
  2. Find "og:image" meta property
  3. copy content value and open in new tab e.g;_nc_oc=AQkyK966KxqYD7G0m1EtR-8w8y69sV8QaPbA9_r2DHMm5wSQLlaUzBrlRYW-WMG7uic&amp;_nc_ht=scontent.fkhi10-1.fna&amp;oh=45473e68efe2df33d683c28a5441674f&amp;oe=5DE19A38" /><meta property="og:url" content="

Bad URL timestamp appears. Error appears on fresh links also, doesn't appear to be time related


  • its all because the url have some special characters please decode it. use this
