I've used Devise for a long time and I love all the features it comes with. The only problem is that it has a RESTful style of authentication that doesn't work very well with GraphQL.
Is there something fully featured (e.g. email resets, account confirming and locking etc) like devise that works well with a GraphQL API?
I have been using this together with my GraphQL APIs. Not perfect but it works fine having the graphql route and the auth
REST endpoint together.
Also a friend and I are working on precisely that over here. It's a work in progress but we expect to have something functional soon. You still have to have a separate route for your GraphQL auth schema, as those queries need to be unauthenticated (login, register) and you always want to authenticate in your main schema. So it might look like this
POST /graphql (main schema)
POST /graphql/auth (auth schema)
UPDATE We have released v0.14.0 now. Still some things to work on, but I wouldn't call it a work in progress anymore as we've been working on it for over a year. Here is the link for the Graphql Devise Gem, again.