I'm currently writing a python program which scrapes data from a website and then writes that info into a google spreadsheet. Based on the data contained in each row the data is separated into different worksheets inside of the main spreadsheet. I've been sending multiple requests using gspread's batch_update() function but it only formats sheet1 and doesn't format the subsequent pages. What can I do to make all of my sheets be formatted the same.
batch_update() calls the spreadsheets.batchUpdate() method through the googlesheets api which should affect the whole spreadsheet instead of the first worksheet which I don't understand
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("creds.json", scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
vt = client.open(sheetName)
formatRequests = []
"repeatCell" : {
"range" : {
"startColumnIndex" : 0,
"endColumnIndex" : 1
"cell" : {
"userEnteredFormat" : {
"numberFormat" : {
"type": "DATE",
"pattern" : "mmm dd, yyyy, hh:mm am/pm"
"fields" : "userEnteredFormat.numberFormat"
#... A bunch of other formatting appends
body = {
'requests' : formatRequests
This only formats the first page in the spreadsheet
If my understanding is correct, how about this modification?
Please modify your script as follows.
From:formatRequests = []
"repeatCell" : {
"range" : {
"startColumnIndex" : 0,
"endColumnIndex" : 1
"cell" : {
"userEnteredFormat" : {
"numberFormat" : {
"type": "DATE",
"pattern" : "mmm dd, yyyy, hh:mm am/pm"
"fields" : "userEnteredFormat.numberFormat"
formatRequests = []
worksheet_list = vt.worksheets() # Added
for sheet in worksheet_list: # Added
"repeatCell": {
"range": {
"startColumnIndex": 0,
"endColumnIndex": 1,
"sheetId": sheet.id # Added
"cell": {
"userEnteredFormat": {
"numberFormat": {
"type": "DATE",
"pattern": "mmm dd, yyyy, hh:mm am/pm"
"fields": "userEnteredFormat.numberFormat"
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.