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Why does filechooser.selection add an additional waypoint?

When reading from fileChooser.selection I get a nearly correct path to the choosen file, but with one additional folder in the path that does not exist. It seems like fileType is added after 'MY_GUI_KIVY'. What am I missing here?

The code is part of a GUI that should help manage projects. To load the related file I need to get the path to that file. After trying to find the problem on my own, searching the net to find similar problems and eventually adopt their given solutions, I could not find a working solution.

def loadFile(self, fileType):
    # code shortened for better readability

def getPath(self, fileType):

    # create popup layout
    content = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', spacing=5)
    popup_width = 500
    self.popup = popup = Popup(title='Open ' + str(fileType), content=content, size_hint=(None, 0.9), width=popup_width)

    # create the filechooser
    initDir = 'projects'
    if not fileType == 'project':
        initDir += '\\' + fileType
    initDir = initDir + '\\'
    textinput = FileChooserListView(path=initDir, size_hint=(1, 1), dirselect=False, filters=['*.' + fileType])
    self.textinput = textinput

    # construct the content

    # 2 buttons are created for accept or cancel the current value
    btnlayout = BoxLayout(size_hint_y=None, height='50dp', spacing='5dp')
    btn = Button(text='Ok')
    btn.bind(on_release=partial(self.loadSelectedFile, fileType, textinput, popup))
    btn = Button(text='Cancel')

    # all done, open the popup !

def loadSelectedFile(self, fileType, fileChooser, popup, *args):  # *args ist unnötig, aber da die partial den Button auch noch zwingend mitliefert...
    # code shortened for better readability
    return True

Sorry, I'm not allowed to post images yet. Link should show the Image. Shows order structure - I had to blur some folders but they are not linked to the problem

If I set fileType to 'project', the output is something like that: 'C:\GUI\MY_KIVY_GUI\projects\projects\test.project'

The expected path should have been: 'C:\GUI\MY_KIVY_GUI\projects\test.project'

If fileType is set to 'subproject', the output looks like this: 'C:\GUI\MY_KIVY_GUI\projects\subproject\projects\subproject\test.subproject'

The correct path should have been the following: 'C:\GUI\MY_KIVY_GUI\projects\subproject\test.subproject'

So it seems like initDir is added after 'MY_KIVY_GUI' but I don't get why this happens.


  • I see the same behavior that you described. I think you may have discovered a bug in the FileChooser code. I think your code should work as written. However, a work around is to add the line:

    initDir = os.path.abspath(initDir)

    just before you create the FileChooserListView. This uses an absolute path instead of a relative path, and seems to work.