I have the Google Picker API implemented in an application, with the Google Drive view included. Currently, entering a search query in the search bar of the Google Drive view starts showing a drop-down with some file results included, like this:
However, clicking the "magnifying glass" search button, or pressing enter, or clicking "search for all items containing...", all results in an empty picker, like this:
empty picker with no search results
I believe this is occurring because a call to https://docs.google.com/picker/pvr
is returning this error as a response every time: &&&START&&&{"error":true,"errorMessage":"Internal error"}
The parameters being sent to that /pvr endpoint are here:
start: 0
numResults: 50
sort: 3
desc: true
q: testing
mine: 2
service: docs
options: {"ff":true,"filterTeamDriveResults":true}
token: J********
version: 4
app: 2
clientUser: 1************
developerKey: A*************
subapp: 5
What I found is that manually removing the "filterTeamDriveResults":true
key from the "options" hash and doing an ajax post directly resulted in a successful request, but for whatever reason that option is included with every request from the picker, and any time a request is made with that option included, it seems to fail with the same "Internal error" response. I'm wondering what the source of that option is, and if there's any way to remove it from our picker. As far as I can tell it doesn't seem to be controlled by any of the options in the JavaScript API that we're loading from https://apis.google.com/js/api.js?onload=onApiLoad.
This started happening to us last week as well after having been using the Google Picker API for years without any issues. Your clue about the filterTeamDriveResults
key reminded me of something I had just read, about upcoming changes to the Google Drive API and Google Picker API:
Next, we’re introducing a new Drive API resource collection, called “Drives,” to replace the “Team Drives” resource collection. This new resource collection can help you create, delete, get, list and update your shared drives, and features all the same fields, resources and available methods as the “Team Drives” resource collection. If you have been using the “Team Drives” resource collection in your applications, consider migrating as soon as possible as all related fields for Drive API , Drive Activity API and Google Picker API, will no longer be supported starting June 1, 2020.
It doesn't seem related, at least not directly, but made me think that perhaps, the SUPPORT_DRIVES
feature that I had seen here in the docs, could "disable" that other teamDrive feature (even though it's not really that, but still...). And indeed, that fixed it. Basically just:
new google.picker.PickerBuilder().
addView(new google.picker.DocsView().setIncludeFolders(true)).
One thing to notice is this warning when enabling this feature:
Before enabling this make sure to refer to Google Drive API documentation for enabling shared drives and make any necessary Drive Rest API changes.
Might be relevant in your case.