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Assign signers to Radio group via pdf form field transformations in docusign rest api

I have a PDF with form fields that I have to upload to docusign via the rest api.

I'm using the PDF form field transformation to transform the PDF fields in to Signature fields and assign them to signers by using wild card labels via composite templates as below.

This works fine for Signature and Date fields but I can't figure out how to assign radio button groups to signers as Radio group does not have a TabLabel property.

This is how the code looks like for Signature and Date fields (I'm using the c# sdk)

    Tabs = new Tabs
                    SignHereTabs = new List<SignHere> {

                        new SignHere
                            //use  the wildcard matching id the signer
                            TabLabel = $"_es_:signer{signer.SignerId}\\*"
                    DateSignedTabs = new List<DateSigned>
                        new DateSigned
                            TabLabel = $"_es_:signer{signer.SignerId}\\*"

How do I add the radio group the same way ?

Thanks in advance


  • Try this:

       RadioGroupTabs = new List<RadioGroup>
            new RadioGroup
                GroupName = $"_es_:signer{signer.SignerId}\\*"