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How can I understand if a memory address is used or not?

I am doing some experiments with the Python garbage collector, I would like to check if a memory address is used or not. In the following example, I have de-referenced the string (surely) at ls[2]. If I run the garbage collector, I can still see surely at the original address. I would like to be sure that the address is now writable. Is there a way to check it in Python?

from ctypes import string_at
from sys import getsizeof
import gc
ls = ['This','will be','surely','deleted']
idsurely= id(ls[2]) 
sizesurely = getsizeof(ls[2])
ls[2] = 'probably'
# I check there is nothing in the garbage

I am interested in this mainly from a theoretical point of view so I am not saying that is something that has practical usage. My goal is to show how memory works for a tutorial. I want to show that the data is still there and that just that the bytes at the address can be now written. So the output of the script is up to now as expected. I just want to prove the last passage.


  • Not possible.

    There is no central registry of used or unused memory addresses in Python. There isn't even a central registry of all objects (the cyclic GC doesn't know about all of them), and even if you had a registry of all objects, that wouldn't be enough to determine what memory locations are in use. Additionally, you can't just read arbitrary memory addresses, or write to arbitrary deallocated addresses. That'll quickly lead to segfaults or worse.

    Finally, I would strongly advise against using this kind of thing in a tutorial even if you did find something to make it work. When you put something in a tutorial, a large fraction of people reading the tutorial are going to think it's something they're supposed to learn. Programming newbies should not be mislead into thinking that examining possibly-deallocated memory locations is something they should be doing.