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How to convert coordinates from NAD83 to regular gps coordinates (lat/lon) in pandas?

I couldn't find any library.function in python/pandas to convert coordinates from NAD83 standard to GPS lat/lon degreed.

Below is an example to reproduce the situation. I am looking for a function to convert these NAD83 coordinates to regular GPS lat/lon. All the points below are expected to be around St. Louis, MO (i.e. approximately 38.6270° N, 90.1994° W).

xcoords = [894557.5, 880625.2, 896551.8, 896551.8, 896497.6, 903061.1]
ycoords = [1025952, 996012.7, 1025333, 1025333, 997157.3, 1033547]
df = pd.DataFrame({'xcoords':xcoords, 'ycoords':ycoords}) 

which means

xcoords     ycoords 
894557.5    1025952.0
880625.2    996012.7
896551.8    1025333.0
896551.8    1025333.0
896497.6    997157.3
903061.1    1033547.0

datasource =

metadata = (see XCoord and YCoord - what are these coordinates of/for?)


  • First we need to determine the SPCS or FIPS zone for St. Louis, MO. From the NOAA Manual NPS NGS 5 we get zone # 2401. Then we download the corresponding proj string from special reference (alternatively you can take the necessary data from appendix A, page 68 of the NOAA Manual). With these data we can convert the SPCS data to gps lon/lat values using pyproj:

    import pandas as pd
    import pyproj
    xcoords = [894557.5, 880625.2, 896551.8, 896551.8, 896497.6, 903061.1]
    ycoords = [1025952, 996012.7, 1025333, 1025333, 997157.3, 1033547]
    df = pd.DataFrame({'xcoords':xcoords, 'ycoords':ycoords})
    fips2401 = pyproj.Proj("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=35.83333333333334 +lon_0=-90.5 +k=0.9999333333333333 +x_0=250000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs")
    wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
    df[['lon', 'lat']] = pd.DataFrame(pyproj.transform(fips2401, wgs84, df.xcoords.to_numpy(), df.ycoords.to_numpy())).T


        xcoords    ycoords        lon        lat
    0  894557.5  1025952.0 -90.239655  38.650896
    1  880625.2   996012.7 -90.288682  38.568784
    2  896551.8  1025333.0 -90.232678  38.649181
    3  896551.8  1025333.0 -90.232678  38.649181
    4  896497.6   997157.3 -90.233154  38.571814
    5  903061.1  1033547.0 -90.209794  38.671681