I am no longer able to build and train my dispatcher LUIS app. If I try to run the dispatch CLI to refresh my dispatcher model like dispatch refresh --dispatch mydispatchfile.dispatch
, it hangs on training the dispatch model and eventually returns the error that I can't publish without training it.
If I try to go into the luis.ai portal and train it there, I get the error "App training failed: l_general: Retrain"
I tried deleting the l_general intent to see if that was somehow the issue and it just changed the error to the next intent down. Now I can't get it to even show that much information.
I tried exporting the model and importing it into another app and it has the same issue. What happened?
Update: I tried importing an old version of the dispatcher model into the offending LUIS app and it won't train either. This old version trains fine in another LUIS app, but not this one.
Update again: If I export the model, delete the patterns in the JSON, and re-import it, the model will train. If I delete them in the luis.ai portal instead, it will not train.
Turns out this is currently a bug in LUIS where dispatch apps cannot have patterns. A fix is being rolled out for this tomorrow (8/20/2019), so this should no longer be a bug for this particular issue.